Irony is the word of the day.
Tuesday, here in The Sanctuary City of Angels, thousands of lawbreakers flooded the streets and demanded things which they feel they are entitled to, simply for being lucky enough to have made it across the southern border.
As if to laugh in the face of real Americans, who watched helplessly as the protesters yelled in Spanish, held up signs belittling our President and waved the flag of the nation responsible for this whole mess in the first place. (For all of you Liberals out there I’m referring to the Mexican flag.)
These lawbreakers flooded the streets and listened to speeches of support from radical groups like The Nation of Islam, who patrolled the streets in their pinstriped suits, giving aid to their “oppressed brothers.”
Insane, cop punching, former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, used her speech to rail against Republicans, not a word on illegal immigration.
Communist and Socialist groups waved pictures of Hugo Chavez, and handed out propaganda, seemingly unaware of the rank hypocrisy of calling for open borders in the U.S, while simultaneously supporting regimes such as Cuba, which forbids its citizens from leaving the country.
Speeches were given in English and then translated into Spanish. Only after the translation did the vast majority of the crowd burst in supportive cheers, as if they had no clue what the English speaking orator had originally said.
The media here in L.A. loves the lawbreakers, and after the rally they saved their vitriol, which should have been cast on those here illegally, upon those whose job it is to uphold the law.
How screwed up of a world to we live in when the lawbreakers garner sympathy and those attempting to keep the peace are treated like criminals?
In one of L.A’s worst neighborhoods, cops attempted to disperse a rowdy group of protesters. In keeping with third-world tradition, the protesters began hurling bottles and rocks at the police. The police were finally able to disperse the crowd using rubber bullets and batons when necessary.
But someone caught the cops hitting people with a baton on tape. Oh my!
It must be police brutality.
Forget that there are no tapes of what occurred before force was used against the mob. The media wouldn’t want to make the protesters look bad, now would they?
Yes, media types did get in the middle of the fracas, and at times needed to be prodded out of the way. Sorry. It’s a dangerous job.
Politicians all over the city took the side of the protesters, not wanting to upset a minority and have the city burn down again. Even when the alternative is tantamount to spitting in the face of L.A’s best and brightest, and giving the already morally confused protesters and the poor and uneducated across the country more reasons to hate cops.
Demanding “workers rights” is a dangerous business. Especially when, those making the demands shouldn’t even be here in the first place.
In fact, we do these protesters a favor by allowing them to borrow our constitutional rights for a day and bestowing upon them freedom of speech and the ability to peaceably assemble. Then when the assembly is no longer “peaceful” we give them a pass and then pass harsh judgment on those who enable real Americans to practice these rights.
It’s not that I don’t like illegal immigrants. Mexico sucks. We all know this and we don’t expect you to put up with it.
You are great for our economy. You do jobs that we don’t want.
But don’t come here, take advantage of our resources and then march in the streets and yell at us, making demands and accusing us of treating you unfairly.
That makes Americans who want you to succeed, and who want Mexico to become part of the developed world, far less sympathetic to your cause.
All day protesters chanted, “Yes we can!”(in Spanish of course). What does that mean? You “can” do what? Flood the streets, wave signs, hold up traffic, make the American people who are already irked about the situation at the border even more upset?
The bubble in which most Americans live is more or less confined to themselves and those around them. It rarely goes beyond the city in which they live.
That’s why these rallies are so counter-productive for illegals.
While they revel in the celebration and surround themselves with thousands who support their cause, they have no idea that the rest of America is watching them on TV and becoming less and less sympathetic towards their behavior.
I arrived at the L.A. rally as one who wanted America to compromise with undocumented workers and find a way for them to stay her legally, and eventually become citizens.
I left as one who still believed that these were the proper steps to take, but who was far less enthusiastic about helping illegal workers than I was at the start of the day.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
A DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN IRONY:My Experiences At A May Day Rally
Posted by
Falling Panda
8:02 PM
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As a young teenager I used to live in Arizona and had a Mexican-American girlfriend named Nancy. More than half my middle school was Hispanic and I never gave it much thought. Everyone spoke English and pretty much got along.
As an adult I have grown to almost hate Mexicans because I automatically assume that every Hispanic I see is an illegal alien who doesn't give a damn about being an American but rather comes here only because Mexico can't provide for its citizens.
This is the legacy of "diversity" and the cult of multiculturalism.
Didn't I see you at the rally?
Great article. I agree that the American government should find a way to incorporate immigrants, I mean, that is what our country is known for and one of the reasons why I am proud to be an American. We have a long history of taking in people who desire a better life for themselves and their families, but I do think the key word is to "incorporate" them. Or, rather, the immigrants should want to be incorporated.
Now I don't think people should give up their heritages, but learn to adapt and "incorporate" the American culture/way of life. That means doing what Americans do: pay taxes, follow the laws, and yes speak English. After all, the national language is English. If I were to immigrate to another country that was not an english-speaking country, I would do my best to learn that language so to better communicate with the people that I would have contact with every day (but maybe that's just me). I think it's wrong for immigrants to come to this country and refuse to learn english. If they do not like the language of this country or the laws that are in place, then perhaps they should return to their place of origin, or immigrate to a different country.
Immigrants claim to want to be Americans, but don't crowd our streets and block traffic if you are not willing to put forth the effort into actually being an American.
Meghan, the American government already has a way to incorporate immigrants. It is the illegal immigrants that are the problem. They have no right being here in the first place, which means they have no right to make demands for any thing. As illegal immigrants, the only rights they have are the right to be arrested and the right to be deported.
Then you said: "but I do think the key word is to "incorporate" them." NO, the key word should be LEGAL, they should come here legally, through the proper channels. They should NOT be made legal AFTER they have violated our laws by sneaking in.
My family immigrated here from France, Germany, Lebanon and Italy, but they had to do it legally. I adopted four sons, three from Vietnam and one from Laos, but I had to bring them here legally.
Falling Panda: I have to take issue with your statement: "You are great for our economy. You do jobs that we don’t want." I don't know about where you are, but in my neck of the woods, the illegals are taking jobs away from American citizens. They are doing jobs that the employers do NOT want to pay a living wage for anymore. I am talking about construction and roofing jobs, as well as many others. The employers want the illegals because they will work for below minimum wage and no benefits. Where I live, we have thousands of teens that will not beable to find summer jobs because the illegals are taking them all.
America cannot afford to keep this up and still remain a free and sovereign nation, and we should not be granting amnesty to any of the 12 million illegals that are here. If they want so much to become American citizens, they MUST return to their home country and apply for a leagal visa first.
I'm sorry if this sounds cold and uncaring, but it is the RIGHT thing to do.
By the way, this may be out of line, but I just can't help it,in that picture of former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, she looks so much like "Buckwheat" from the Little Rascals "Our Gang" group.
Look, I'm a free market kind of guy, and the only reason that anyone puts up with illegals is because they are are willing to do crummy jobs for crummy pay. This allows bussinesses to save money, invest that cash back into the economy through investments, innovation, and charge less for the products which they sell.
I like that.
Now there are real risks to this behavior. If they stop working for some reason, or too many of them come into the country, our system of entitlements, public schools and other government programs which they use, will be stretched to its limit and that could end up costing us a lot.
But, we have to be realists about this. There is no way that we are ever going to round all 12 million illegals
up and kick them out of the country.
It's neither politically or physically posible. So the only alternative, is to find some way to legalize every illegal who is currently here and then completely secure the southern border.
But if were going to do it we better do it soon.
"That means doing what Americans do: pay taxes, follow the laws, and yes speak English. After all, the national language is English."
Nope. Wrong.
America has no national language. Nowhere in writing, in our constitution, on a bathroom wall in the white house, wherever, does it say "English is the official national language of the United States."
Several states have passed legislature declaring English their "official language," but then most of them go and do very little to actually help fund schools and take measures to help ESOL students - and I'm talking about legal people - learn English.
I'm not saying I disagree with you on immigrants following the laws. Absolutely. But bring the right facts to the debate.
I fully believe we have to constantly remember to draw the line between 1) immigrants who are here legally and have gone through or are in the process of going through the proper channels and 2) illegal immigrants who are working for illegal wages.
DJ - "This allows bussinesses to save money, invest that cash back into the economy through investments, innovation, and charge less for the products which they sell."
My, that's a pretty optomistic spin on exploitation and trickle-up economics. Does "investing cash back into the evonomy" include billion dollar pensions, bonuses, and junkets?
I have to agree with abouna on this one when he says -
"I don't know about where you are, but in my neck of the woods, the illegals are taking jobs away from American citizens. They are doing jobs that the employers do NOT want to pay a living wage for anymore. I am talking about construction and roofing jobs, as well as many others. The employers want the illegals because they will work for below minimum wage and no benefits."
This is actually one of the biggest threats the tolerance for illegal immigration poses, especially to our own lower-middle class families.
One last thing - I often find myself surprised that red-blooded Amuhricans find a glaring dichotomy between our government's failure to secure our borders and their claim that Homeland Security is doing its job.
Two more things -
I meant to say "I often find myself surprised that red-blooded Amuhricans FAIL TO find a glaring dichotomy between our government's failure to secure our borders and their claim that Homeland Security is doing its job."
My bad.
And also - I admit, it MIGHT say "English is the National Language" on some bathroom stall in the White House. I've never gone to the bathroom in the White House, so I don't know.
"living wage"? No. You get paid for what the work is worth.
And when you talk about "billion dollar pensions, bonuses, and junkets?" Your not talking about the majority of people who hire illegals. You're talking about a small minority of big bussinesses. So don't try lumping that into this argument.
In addition to this you're trying to make the argument that llegals are taking jobs away from Americans at a time when unemployment is at an all time low.
Illegals are here to be expolited. They don't seem to mind. If they weren't being exploited and were getting a living wage, THEN we'd have a big problem.
You're right on with the border, but its important to note that it isn't incompetence that's causing the problem, it's pandering to hispanics.
As far as English being our "national language", i'm not so sure that Meghan is wrong on that one.
I know that thre is no "official" language in the US, but I'm pretty sure there is a difference , between a "national" and an "official language" and I'm also pretty sure that some action was taken in regards to making English the National language last year, but I could be wrong.
dan: you said:
"In addition to this you're trying to make the argument that llegals are taking jobs away from Americans at a time when unemployment is at an all time low."
Do you really believe that? The government gets its unemployment figures from the number of people who are actually collecting unemployment benefits. They do not count those whose unemployment benefits have run out and are still unable to find decent paying jobs.
I know what I am talking about because I know at least 20 people, one of them is one of my brothers, who were let go from good paying jobs at Kodak and other companies when those companies decided to down size. That was between 5 and 15 years ago (6 yeras in my brothers case) and their unemployment ran out and they have been unable to find any decent paying jobs. My brother ended up losing his home, his car and his retirement benefits. Of the 20 people I know, 16 of them are forced to work two and three part-time jobs just to make ends meet.
It was reported two months ago, that one of our local hospitals is planning to lay off most of their nurses aides and LPN's and are going to replace them with "immigrants" in an effort to cut costs.
You're trying to tell me that the hospital announced that they were laying off people and replacing them with illegals?
I'm not buying it.
Furthermore, i'm sorry that your brother got laid off 6 years ago, but if he lost everything my guess is that there were a lot of extenuating circumstances contributing to that.
What do your friends do for a living? Fast-food,farm hands?
The truth is that there are plenty of decent paying jobs out there right now for peple with a high school education.
As for the unemployment figures, they have been meassured the same way for years,and while it's not perfect it's the best way to indicate the jobless rate in this country that weve got.
There are always conspiracy theorists like Abouna out there. There is no dispute in political or economic circles as to whether the Bureau of Labor Statistics' unemployment number accurately reflect the state of the job market in this country. None. The economy is robust and there is a decent job for virtually everyone. 4.5% unemployment is pretty much a rock bottom minimum figure. You don't even hear the most rabid Democrats talking about unemployment anymore.
"Illegals are here to be expolited. They don't seem to mind. If they weren't being exploited and were getting a living wage, THEN we'd have a big problem."
True or not, isn't that a pretty soulless thing to say? Panda, you've often accused my idelogies of getting in the way of my politics. Which is probably true for better or for worse. Democrat, Republican, I couldn't really car less. Parties are parties, they're really just a way for the elite to create the illusion of unity among those who kindasorta think like they do and/or harbor such a hatred for the other side, they're willing to ignore the polarizing political games that stop most of us from having genuine idiosyncratic discourse and moving forward. It's a morass, modern politics, and the dispair I often feel has less to do with "the Republicans" and more to do with humanity in general.
But if we must talk in specific poltical choices, yes, as stated, I'm very opposed to illegal immigration. But damn, man, I just can't stand by the indifference and total lack of empathy that "immigrants are here to be exploited" carries with it.
And also -
Back to "Illegals are here to be expolited. They don't seem to mind. If they weren't being exploited and were getting a living wage, THEN we'd have a big problem."
Um... isn't that what this very protest rally of which you posted about? Isn't that what that evil Chavez was trying to stand up against?
Thousands of protestors doesn't say "they don't seem to mind" to me.
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