On Friday's edition of The View, Rosie and friends made a big deal over the Janome sewing machine.
The company obviously paid a lot to have their product featured on the show.
Below is a link where you can contact them and let them know how you feel about it.
This is the first big step towards getting Rosie off the air.
The contact request will ask you for a Model number. DC2007LE. It's the model that rosie is holding. For Dealer name F&S Fabrics will do nicely. It appears, however that you can also make both of these up.

Sorry Dan. Cannot sent message because I need a model number and dealer number. Take this on down and put up one from another company.
I have added both to the blog.
Why can't you idiots on the right see the truth. 9/11 is an inside job. And the RepubliCONS are the ones who did this along with Israel. Wake the FUC* Up
Falling Panda,
Too bad you don't believe in Democracy and free speech - how un-American of you.
Besides, what does this have to do with the politics of government ... the fact that Rosie likes a certain sewing machine?? Not only that, she was being very GENEROUS, giving machines to every person in the audience. Something I don't see in you.
Stop being so wrapped up in this kind of small-mindedness & start looking at what's being taken away from us by the politicians who are servants, not of the people as they should be but of the corporations.
Get a grip and start educating yourself about real politics not this stupidity.
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